WILLY BEE'S BOOK OF THE MONTH CLUB..."psychic discoveries behind the iron curtain"

Do you believe in extra sensory perception?...goddamn right i do...know that we are currently sucking on the tit of material goods for status, security, and entertainment...know that we are on a living planet, called earth and that we are in a living universe that we have little understanding of outside of douglas adams' yeah...fuck the cops...fuck the government...and fuck society...yeah...right...good rant willy bee!...anyway...i'm currently in training to improve my x force...i'm an x man...reading people's minds...telepathy...moving objects with my mind...telekinesis...seeing the future...precognition...seeing what ja5ck is doing in the yukon right now...clairvoyance...fuck yeah!...good skills to have no matter how you twist it...but this book isn't a how to's more like what was going on behind the iron curtain in the late 60's, early 70s...the iron curtain being russia, bulgaria and czechoslovakia...what happened was that the russians thought that the usa was doing bigtime research into esp but it turns out they really weren't...anyway, the russians were like "fuck that" and put a whole bunch of money into research and development in the esp field...and what they found was really are some of the hi lighted notes that i took...

Scientists placed the baby rabbits aboard the submarine. They kept the mother rabbit in a laboratory on shore where they implanted electrodes deep in her brain. When the sub was deep below the surface of the ocean, assistants killed the young rabbits one by one. "The mother rabbit obviously didn't know what was happening. Even if she could have understood the test, she had no way of knowing at what moment her children died. Yet, at each synchronized instant of death, her brain reacted. There was communication," Naumov explained. "And, our instruments clearly registered these moments of ESP."

Energy pours from plants-fresh fruit, vegetables. What does this imply about living foods? Does this energy in plants constitute the real value in food and do our chemicals, fertlizers, sprays, and additives destroy it? Perhaps Kirlian photography... 
...could be a great boon in nutrition, agriculture, horticulture and related fields.